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Big Nosh 2025

Jewish Food & Cultural Festival
March 30, 2025

The highly anticipated annual BIG NOSH event returns this year on Sunday, March 30, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.  As always, your favorite mouth-watering Jewish foods will be available, including bagels, deli offerings, matzah ball soup (Jewish penicillin), corned beef and pastrami, brisket, stuffed cabbage, and a assortment of baked goods and other highly sought-after delectable delights. 

Come spend time with us, enjoy the delicious food, learn about the history of Tree of Life, and tour our beautiful sanctuary.

There are many opportunities for sponsorship, which helps to  ensure that the 129-year-old Tree of Life Congregation will be able to maintain its programs and activities as well as its important place in the community.   

See the sponsorship information at left on how you can further support our historic Columbia congregation.

A Sampling of Some Big Nosh Items!





Thu, February 13 2025 15 Sh'vat 5785