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Tree of Life Brotherhood

The Brotherhood is a support organization for the Temple and 100% of dues are used in supporting Temple activities. Come join us today! Typically dues are $18 but we are happy to accept more if so inclined. Send your check to the Temple Office c/o Brotherhood, or pay online with a credit card.


History of the Brotherhood

There is a long history of having a Brotherhood at Tree of Life, but unfortunately the organization lapsed into inactivity sometime during the 1990s. In the spring of 2002, some interested members began meeting monthly for dinner and by the fall of 2002, we officially reorganized and members began paying dues. The charter members of the recent resurgence of the TOL Brotherhood included Benar Amado, Marshall Diamond, Ed Hertz, Jerry King, Steven Langer, Marc Rapport, Steve Savitz, Brad Smith, and Todd Weiss.

In the first year of the new Brotherhood (2002-2003), we ultimately had about 36 members and established a useful and visible presence in the congregation. Highlights that year include giving copies of Pirke Avot to B’nai Mitvot celebrants, purchasing Chumashim to honor the Confirmation class, making jalapeno pepper latkes at the annual Hannukah party, serving lunch at the Purim play (which included TOL Brothers in crucial roles), and having Inez Tenenbaum speak about progress in the South Carolina schools at our first Annual Mother’s Day brunch. In the second year (2003-2004), we expanded our membership to over 50 members, continued with all of our major activities associated with Jewish holidays, and expanded our activities to include underwriting the Break the Fast following Yom Kippur, cooking dinner for Shabbat Across America, and supporting the TOL Cookbook and food festival.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784