We are a giving and caring congregation.
Your donations to any of these funds enable you to direct your giving to a specific project, memorial, or simcha. These donations can be put to work in any given budget year and are significant in helping us balance our budget. Thank you!
125th Anniversary Renovation Fund
Building Fund - Provides for maintenance and repair of the Temple building and facilities including grounds.
Brotherhood Fund:
General Fund:
Religious School Fund:
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund:
Rabbi Marcus Legacy Fund:
Security Fund: This fund is used to support the provision of security officers for regular and holiday services as well as for other special events held at TOL.
Caring Fund: Monies in this fund are used for the special needs of congregants, such as providing meals during times of illness.
Choir Fund:
Flower Fund: The flower fund is used for the purpose of providing flower arrangements on the Bima during Shabbat and holiday services.
High Holiday Fund:
Prayerbook Fund:
Sisterhood Funds
Hortense & Tobae Reyner Fund: This fund can be used to assist Sisterhood board members for attending national and district conventions.
Evelyn and Dan Daniel Endowment Fund: This endowment may be used to help send a TOL youth group delegate to the National Leadership training program.
TOL Long-Term Investment Funds
TOL's Long-Term Investment funds are a self-sustaining source of funding. Assets are invested and each year, a portion of the value of the fund is used for board approved purposes, while any earnings in excess of this distribution are used to build the fund's market value. In this way, these funds can grow and provide support for the congregation in perpetuity. Many congregations with our longevity and our size have Endowment and other Long-Term investment funds in the millions that support or sustain operations while ensuring a sustainable legacy.
Rabbinic Sustainment Fund: This restricted fund pays a portion of the rabbi's compensation outside the operating budget. It enhances TOL's capacity to attract and retain a rabbi and or other Jewish professionals that share our vision. It also enables us to keep membership costs at a reasonable level.
Endowment Fund: The purpose of the Endowment Fund is to help provide for the long-term security of the Tree of Life Congregation. In recent years we have a renewed focus on growing our Endowment and have restructured the fund to take advantage of more investment options.
Advantages of donating to our Long-Term investments include:
- Donors can create a legacy for themselves or their families.
- Donors can determine how their gifts are spent and legacy remembered.
- Planned giving or legacy giving can provide tax benefits for the donor and their heirs.
If you have considered a planned or legacy donation but are unsure how to structure your gift, please contact Endowment Committee Chair, Steve Friedland. Together we can ensure that our nearly 130-year legacy will continue, and our congregation will thrive.